The vertebrate forelimb initially develops in the embryo as a solid mass of tissue. As development progresses, the solid mass near the end of the forelimb is remodeled into individual digits.

Biology Homework HelpQuestions and Answers: The vertebrate forelimb initially develops in the embryo as a solid mass of tissue. As development progresses, the solid mass near the end of the forelimb is remodeled into individual digits. Which of the following best explains the role of apoptosis in remodeling of the forelimb?

The vertebrate forelimb initially develops in the embryo as a solid mass of tissue. As development progresses, the solid mass near the end of the forelimb is remodeled into individual digits. Which of the following best explains the role of apoptosis in remodeling of the forelimb?

A. Apoptosis replaces old cells with new ones that are less likely to contain mutations.
B. Apoptosis involves the regulated activation of proteins in specific cells of the developing forelimb that leads to the death of those cells.
C. Apoptosis involves the destruction of extra cells in the developing forelimb, which provides nutrients for phagocytic cells.
D. Apoptosis in the developing forelimb triggers the differentiation of cells whose fate was not already determined.


First, let’s understand the Apoptosis: 

  • Apoptosis is a natural process in development where specific cells are programmed to die.
  • During the development of the forelimb, apoptosis helps remove the cells between the developing digits, allowing the formation of distinct fingers or toes.

Now, let’s evaluate each given option to determine the correct answer (option).

Given Options: Step by Step Answering

a) Apoptosis replaces old cells with new ones that are less likely to contain mutations.

  • This is incorrect statement. Apoptosis doesn’t replace old cells with new ones; rather, it eliminates unnecessary or excess cells, especially in development.

b) Apoptosis involves the regulated activation of proteins in specific cells of the developing forelimb that leads to the death of those cells.

  • This is correct statement. Apoptosis is a regulated process where specific proteins, such as caspases, are activated to initiate cell death in targeted areas, like the space between developing digits.

c) Apoptosis involves the destruction of extra cells in the developing forelimb, which provides nutrients for phagocytic cells.

  • This is incorrect statement. While phagocytic cells can remove the dead cells after apoptosis, the primary role of apoptosis here is not to provide nutrients but to shape the developing limb by removing cells.

d) Apoptosis in the developing forelimb triggers the differentiation of cells whose fate was not already determined.

  • This is incorrect statement. Apoptosis does not trigger cell differentiation. It helps eliminate cells, while cell differentiation is a separate process influenced by other signals.

Final Answer

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is:

b) Apoptosis involves the regulated activation of proteins in specific cells of the developing forelimb that leads to the death of those cells.

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